What if you don't like your lamp in the end? No problem, we'll help you out. You can return it for free within 30 days.
Just follow the instructions below to send the product back to us and get your money back.
Don't have an account yet? Then you can easily create one yourself:
In this account you will find all your orders placed so far.
Click on the order from which you want to return products.
You will find the return request at the bottom right (under your shipping address).
A pre-filled mail will open. Adjust the numbers if you only want to return a part of your order.
Send this mail to us (the address is also prefilled in) and we will get back to you soon with further instructions for a proper handling of your return.
Your money will be refunded to you 5-10 workingdays after we have received your return.
Do you still have questions? Please contact us or visit our FAQ.